Pit Stop Bar-B-Que & Grill, Inc.
Where the locals eat and the travelers always come back to!

Call today!
(229) 387-0888

**Temporary due to COVID-19 

Hours of Operation
Sun to Thurs - 11 am to 8 pm
Friday and Saturday
11 am to 8 pm

We Deliver
to Businesses!

    (15 - 20 orders needed) 

Daily Lunch Specials
Monday thru Friday 

Contact Us

We are anxious to hear from you. Please get in touch using whichever method is most convenient for you.

Pit Stop Bar-B-Que & Grill, Inc.


1112 W. 8th Street

Tifton, GA 31794


(229) 387-0888


Pit Stop Bar-B-Que & Grill, Inc.